Time To Cast Your Vote

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With the general election looming just over the horizon, nearly all the discussion dwells on whom the American electorate will vote for, not so much how they’ll vote. I’ll admit it’s much more invigorating debating the merits of the two, major party candidates than the means by which we’ll cast our vote.  Nevertheless, I find it somewhat amusing that in this day and age of virtual this and virtual that, the good, old fashioned paper ballot continues to flourish.  But dang it, it does. In fact, only five states — Delaware, Georgia, Louisiana, New Jersey and South Carolina – have paper-free voting.   Most states invoke a combination of paper and electronic balloting.
I guess you could say the American balloting process is a mirror image of the modern American business.  Many have the objective of moving from a paper-based environment to one that’s paperless or, at least, paper light, replacing paper-based business processes with digital workflow.   They’ve recruited information management services companies to provide expert recommendations about suitable scanning, hosting and other digital document management solutions.  However, for those companies that still lean toward paper, they rely on those same information management services companies to provide cost-efficient, physical records storage and secure, confidential shredding services.
Okay, now it’s time to cast your vote.  Oh no, I don’t mean for the Democratic or Republican nominee.  I mean electronic versus paper.  And while I have no skin in the game, I will offer this one warning:  A vote for “paper” is a vote for Chad.  As in Hanging Chad.  Mercy!
—-Dr. Document


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