Physician On-Call Operations Management

Managing on-call operations to lower costs and deliver real-time visibility and valuable insights on key metrics.
Physician On Call

On-call operations are typically plagued by two things – inefficiency and lack of visibility. And that’s why scheduling software alone fails to pay big dividends. A more holistic approach is required to address inefficiencies throughout the process and deliver visibility into every component of the program.

GRM’s new On-CallConnect is a cloud-based, mobile-centric product that automates and organizes the processes associated with managing on-call physicians, delivers invaluable data, lowers costs, and improves resulting patient care.


On-Call-Connect effectively addresses all of the major challenges associated with on-call operations. Processes are digitized and automated. Actions are captured and reported upon. And everything is presented in an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

Management Dashboard

Operational managers are provided with a real-time view and status of physician requests and responses as well as the topline status of each patient consult.

An intuitive green, red, yellow status marker on the dashboard makes clear the status of physician responses, what may require attention and what is problematic that requires immediate attention. This dashboard is a central component of making On-CallConnect a comprehensive on-call software solution that effectively addresses all of the operational deficiencies that result in lost time and lost money.

Secure Communications

This solution provides for an app-less mobile exchange of secure clinical patient images and data between the physician and the ER. In the past, physicians either had to go without helpful patient information before arriving at the ER or they had to manage it by shuffling through non-HIPAA compliant emails containing patient information.

Now, ER staff and physicians can manage the entire process and exchange of critical patient data in one simple, comprehensive tool. More information delivered earlier in the process. That information is secure and more easily consumed. It all adds up greater efficiency and the ability to expedite patient care.


Given the expense associated with on-call operations and the import of efficiency in delivering quality care, having visibility of the process and insight on where problems lie is the first step in optimizing the process. The Advanced Analytics function provides a view of critical data and operational insights that inform decision-making, prompt action and create savings.

Contract Management

This tool ensures that physicians contracts are in place, up to date and physicians are in a position to deliver services. All contracts are housed in our cloud-based platform and coded with critical expiration dates. Workflow automation kicks in to prompt necessary reviews and approvals from designated parties when renewals are required.

Online Scheduler

A simple-to-use and easy-to-read online scheduling tool is table stakes for any on-call operation. The On-CallConnect scheduling tool ensures that on-call coverage is complete, confirmed and agile enough to reflect changes for all parties in real-time.


GRM’s market-leading document storage facilities and services collectively represent a unique position in the market; covering everything from basic storage services to transformative digital solutions.


Substantial savings realized via a variety of operational improvements, including a reduction in the duration of patient episodes.


Equipping physicians with an easy-to-use technology allows them to work efficiently and deliver optimal patient care.


Patients receive better care, faster; resulting in superior satisfaction.

Whether referrals are made by on-call physicians or any other clinician within the network, the process needs to be simple and automated in order to optimize patient retention. Our CareConnect product is the solution.

Learn more →

Referral Management Software CareConnect

Get In Touch

You can reach out to us by phone at 888.907.9687, or fill out the form below