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Frequently Asked Questions
GRM Document Management is putting the answers to a slew of our most frequently asked questions (FAQs) right at your fingertips.

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If not, our customer service representatives are available 24/7 to help with any of your unanswered questions. Just call 888.907.9687
Where Can I Find the GRM Online Record Center Acceptable Use Policy Document?
The GRM Online Records Center Acceptable Use Policy document can be found on the “Customer Access” page, which is linked on our homepage OR by simply clicking here.
How Long Should I Keep Records?
It depends on the type of record, your industry and its regulations. Generally, records should be kept for seven years, but some records need to be kept for much longer and some for less time. If a record is of historical value, you may retain the record indefinitely.
GRM’s record retention experts can work with your company to help establish a compliant records retention schedule for your organization.
Why Offsite Records Management?
Offsite document storage allows an organization to increase security and efficiency and to reduce costs. Since records contain information, a valuable resource, it is essential to take a systematic approach to the management of records. GRM’s offsite records management:
- Contributes to the smooth operation of your organization’s programs by making the information needed for decision making and operations readily available
- Helps deliver services in a consistent and equitable manner
- Facilitates effective performance of activities throughout an agency
- Protects the rights of the organization, its employees and its customers
- Provides continuity in the event of a disaster
- Protects records from inappropriate and unauthorized access
- Meets statutory and regulatory requirements including archival, audit and oversight activities
- Provides protection and support in litigation
- Allows quicker retrieval of documents and information from files
- Improves office efficiency and productivity
- Provides better documentation more efficiently
- Supports and documents historical and other research
- Frees office space for other purposes
- Avoids unnecessary purchases of office equipment
Where Are My Records Stored?
Your paper records are stored in a secure warehouse. We adhere to the strictest security policies in the industry. All your boxes are barcoded and you are provided an online, password protected inventory, allowing you to track each and every record throughout its life cycle.
Where Are My Films, Video, Audio and Digital Data Stored?
They will be stored in one of GRM’s data vaults. The vaults are built to meet the strict fire resistant construction standards of the American National Standards Institute and the National Fire Protection Association. The environment, which is designed to preserve and protect data, as well as provide secure video and film storage, is equipped with an independent HVAC system and is computer-monitored to maintain a temperature range between 65° and 68° and relative humidity between 35% and 45%. Key pad entry, motion detectors, heat and smoke detection, CCTV and an FM-200 fire suppression system offer state-of-the-art security and fire protection for all your tape storage needs. And the vault is strategically located to provide rapid disaster recovery services to primary business centers and major hot sites.
Where Are My Electronic Records Stored?
Utilizing industry-leading digital document archiving software, GRM EVault recognizes and captures changes to files (at the block level), encrypts the data for enhanced security and compresses it to minimize transmission time. The encrypted data is then sent over the Internet or private telecommunication lines to highly secure offsite Mass Storage Vaults.
What is a Records Retention Program?
A retention program is a well-documented program that tracks records from their inception to their destruction. An inventory of the records disposed of is maintained, including certification that they have been destroyed. Records should never simply be discarded. Most organizations use processes including pulverization, paper shredding or incineration. GRM also offers certified recycling.
Where is GRM Located?
GRM services 15 major U.S. metropolitan areas, including Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Miami, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. Our strategic alliances are able to service many other areas. We also have a facility in Lima, Peru as well as six locations in China, including Beijing, Guangdong and Shanghai. Additionally, we have three facilities in Colombia including Bogota, Calim and Medellin. Lastly we have a facility in both Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
How Do I Order Services?
With GRM, ordering services has never been easier. You can order instantly and online with our password protected exclusive eAccess technology. You can order via fax, email and over the phone.
How Do I Log Into eAccess?
Once you register, you simply go to our website, click on the “Login” button next to the words “Customer Access” in the top right hand corner of the website. You will be taken to another page where you can sign-in to eAccess.
Can Each Department Be Invoiced Separately?
Yes. GRM’s e-Access technology allows for customized billing options.
What is GRM’s Fuel Surcharge Policy?
In an industry dependent on deliveries, vehicle operating costs have elevated to levels that GRM can no longer continue to absorb. Effective September 1, 2008, GRM will be implementing a fuel surcharge policy. GRM’s fuel surcharge will only apply to vehicle operated service items and will appear as a surcharge line item on your invoice.
Sliding Scale Surcharge
The GRM fuel surcharge will fluctuate on a sliding scale in conjunction with the rising and falling of On-Highway Fuel Prices as documented by the United States Energy Information Administration. As prices are supplied on a regional basis, each GRM location surcharge will differ according to regions as noted below.
GRM Region, Location
North Atlantic: Boston, NY
Central Atlantic: NJ, PA, Baltimore, Washington DC
Lower Atlantic: GA, FL
Southwest: Houston, Dallas, Austin, TX
Midwest: IL, Indianapolis California: San Francisco, Los Angeles
GRM will use $2.00 as its base rate and will adjust up or down according to the fuel reports as provided by the U.S. Retail Motor Gasoline and On-Highway Diesel Fuel as identified in the table below. GRM will use this table to determine the current price of fuel – Table A
GRM has created this table so its customers can reference and calculate surcharges at any point in time and compare to invoiced totals. Please note each month’s surcharge will be calculated as follows. For example, July’s invoice (for services incurred in June) will be based on price points for June. Please view the most recent On Highway Diesel Fuel Prices as dictated by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. (Please Note: You will be directed away from GRM’s website. GRM is not responsible for the content or information provided on other websites).
What is the quantity of boxes from my current inventory that can be accessed weekly?
Clients access their current inventory for a variety of reasons. GRM policy is to access 200 cubes per week unless otherwise designated in the operative client contract.
Is GRM Publicly Traded?
GRM is the nation’s largest privately held records management company. We have the infrastructure and advanced technology of a multi-million dollar company, but because we are privately held, we report only to our customers. It gives us the flexibility to service your needs in a way that is unprecedented in the records management industry.
How Do I Work for GRM?
GRM is always on the lookout for talented people. We offer an excellent compensation and benefits package. Visit our GRM careers page to view open opportunities at GRM.
What if I Still Have Questions?
You can contact us at any time atinfo@grmdocument.comor call888.907.9687
Get In Touch
You can reach out to us by phone at 888.907.9687, or fill out the form below