Modern Workflow Approval Software

Modern workflow management systems combine multiple tools, including workflow approval, into one platform, helping companies achieve greater overall control of their business processes through optimization.

In addition to being able to cut down time spent on projects and automate manual repetitive labor, here are the top five benefits of our workflow automation software:

Workflow Processing

Skyrocket Productivity With Grm's Workflow Approval Software

Advantages of Workflow Management Software
  • Enhanced Collaboration – Easily and securely share documents within and across departments, as well as with clients and vendors. Users can work directly in the platform, not just sharing documents, but also reviewinzg, annotating, adding e-signatures, and approving workflows all online.
  • Increased Efficiency – Streamline business processes with customizable automated workflows. Businesses can save significant time using automated workflows, which keep documents moving between the appropriate users. Missing or incorrect information is immediately identified and the necessary users are automatically alerted so data can be appended or corrected. Automating tasks also reduces the number of errors associated with manual data entry. The result is faster, smoother business processes that increase overall productivity while lowering labor and operational costs.
  • Improved Synchronization – Eliminate task redundancy on inter-departmental processes. Our workflow automation software allows for the automation of functions across departments and previously disparate systems.
  • Advanced Compliance – Improve security with data encryption at all levels. Further protect your company from non-compliance by creating transparency, including the ability to see when documents were accessed, reviewed and approved – and by whom. This information is also easily available to auditors.
  • Upgraded Accessibility – Substantially increase accessibility with cloud-based workflow management software, which delivers reliable access and functionality across multiple devices including mobile.

Watch How Multiple Tools
Can Improve Your Business

GRM’s workflow approval software is integrated into the robust VisualVault content service platform for a complete control of all business operations and documents.

Schedule a demo to get comfortable with all the platform features.

Get In Touch

You can reach out to us by phone at 888.907.9687, or fill out the form below