Move Your Business to the Cloud | Web-based Content Management

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Move Your Business to the Cloud. Explore web based content management.

When a person is described as having their “head in the clouds,” it’s usually not a good thing. The individual may be unaware of what’s happening around them, which can delay their reactions and decisions, leaving them at a disadvantage.
But when a business has its head in the clouds – or in the cloud, we should say – it’s quite the opposite. Cloud-based enterprise content management systems can provide organizations a distinct edge over their competitors, ensuring they have the information they need whenever and wherever they need it – and that they can put that information to use.
Does your business have its head in the cloud? If not, here are three advantages you may be missing out on:

  • Improved Reporting and Analytics – Cloud-based software allows for real-time data gathering and analysis, giving your organization a chance to act on that information in a timely manner. Potential opportunities and issues are identified early, so you can capitalize on them – or resolve minor problems before they become major crises.


  • Greater Ability to Share – In a cloud-based system, information can be shared immediately. This makes it much easier to collaborate with colleagues in other locations – or with outside vendors, allowing them to share their thoughts and input on documents without throwing the project off schedule. And, since business no longer takes place just in the office, using a cloud-based ECM ensures that everyone can access the data they need even while they’re on the go.


  • Increased Efficiency – Manual-based processes take up time employees could spend on more meaningful tasks, and are often the source of unnecessary errors. With a cloud-based ECM, your organization can achieve unparalleled levels of efficiency through customizable workflow and business process automations. As an added bonus, workflow automation eliminates most typos, saving additional time and ensures a smooth completion of projects.

If your organization doesn’t have its head in the cloud by taking advantage of a cloud-based ECM, it’s time to make a move. Your competition may already be there.


You can reach out to us by phone at 888.907.9687, or fill out the form below